Why Choose Laser Hair Removal In Reston VA?
Unlike shaving, waxing, or using depilatory creams, laser treatments for unwanted hair are virtually guaranteed to produce permanent to semi-permanent results. Whether you’ve got unwanted hair on your back, chest, face, arms, or legs, you can enjoy a swift and relatively painless procedure. Best of all, any strands that return after your treatment will be finer, lighter, and fall less noticeable overall. Following are several reasons to choose laser hair removal in Reston VA.
When you shave your unwanted hair, you run the risk of developing painful hair bumps, rashes, and dark, discolored skin. This is especially true when treating sensitive areas such as the face, the underarms, and the bikini. Laser hair removal services target unwanted strands directly at the hair follicles. Rather than cutting or ripping these strands out by the roots, these treatments destroy follicles individually. This renders them incapable of producing new strands and thus, you won’t have to regular address the area again and again.
Although these services have a higher upfront cost than either waxing or shaving, they can also be the most economical choice over time. With fewer unwanted hair to contend with, you can spend less on depilatory creams, waxes, sugars, razors, and more. In fact, after multiple treatments, some people never have to shave again.
Another benefit of these services is that they don’t weaken the skin like waxing, sugaring, and threading does. There is no fear of developing broken blood vessels at the surface of the skin, and no risk of rips or tears. With these treatments, you can safely improve your body or facial aesthetics, and with long-lasting results.
You should definitely look for laser hair removal near me if you regularly develop hair bumps or follicle infections like folliculitis as the result of shaving or waxing. Having these treatments performed at a reputable Medical Spa like Priya Esthetics will give you the benefit of a safe, pain-free procedure, and results you can feel proud to show off. Call us today to find out about our full range of services or to set up a consultation.